Good Afternoon Everyone!
I have added new information as well as updated old information. Please read below and click the links for more information or for any questions you may have!
Notice of Time Change and School Closure for February and March
Saturday School
The 29th is until 12:00.
On the 29th and March 1st Lessons will be closed.
My family is coming to Japan! We apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding.
家族が来日の為. ご不便をおかけしますが、ご理解の程よろしくお願いいたします。
In addition, we will be adding new school goods. These goods can be won monthly by students who show strong effort in class and at home when doing homework. Backpacks will be given out once every 2 months. 2 other items will be given our monthly. If you don’t want to win the items, you can also buy them. Backpacks are ¥2,000 and come with a coupon.
金額: 2000円

On Saturdays at 16:00, we have an available lesson for students from 4 years old to 5 years old! Let me know if you are interested!

Saturday School サタデースクール:
Please let me know the schedule for February as soon as possible. Next month, there are five Saturdays so extra days can be used. Again, I would like to let you know that Saturday School is first come first served.

* If you don't use a satellite school for one month, we will cancel your registration.*
*Please understand that the space is limited.*
Our Saturday school expands in March to allow more students. However, we are almost full for the March classes. In March we will be starting the new study guide and English program. We will also be adding a second native teacher. If you are interested, please sign up soon. We have attached the new schedule for Saturday School starting in March below. If you haven't paid for the text yes, please pay the Saturday School text fee as soon as possible.
Saturday School Fee: ¥1500 per use.
サタデースクールは3月より受入生徒の増員が可能となります。ただし、3月のクラスはほぼ満員です。3月より、新しい学習ガイドと英語プログラムを開始します。 また、2人のネイティブ教師によるレッスンとなります。ご質問等ある方は、お気軽にお問合せください。3月から始まるサタデースクールの新しいスケジュールを添付しました。3月より、新しいテキストブックを開始します。まだお持ちでない場合は、至急テキスト代金をお支払ください。

In addition, current Saturday school students who haven’t need to fill out their emergency contact pages and pay for insurance for next year. Insurance Fee: ¥800
A few students have already signed up for pickup service to start in March. If you also want to use it, please let me know as soon as possible.
Starting in February, we will be adding a pickup service to the Saturday school. The pickup service runs from 7:30 until 8:45. Pickup is available outside of Hachimandai and Mafune area. Those who are in Mafune and Hare asked to drop off. Those outside of these areas should pay a monthly pickup fee of ¥1000. Although we have a pickup service, we will not have a drop-off service. You much pickup your children from school Let me know if you have any questions.

Models モデル:
We are looking for models to volunteer for elementary school, adult, and 4-6 year old photos. Those who sign-up will be entered for a chance to win a ticket to Lego Land.

Advertisement 広告:
We are looking for families who are willing to put advertisement banners on their fences at home. If you volunteer you will receive a special discount every month.

After school アフタースクール:
Currently, students who haven't signed up but want to come once or twice a week are being put onto a waiting list. The priority is five times a week, then four times a week, and then three times a week. Five, four, and three times a week are available, but there are students interested in each one. f you wish to use it once a week or twice a week, we recommend you take regular lessons or use the Saturday school while you are waiting.
優先順位は、週5回利用、週4回利用、週3回利用の方になります。週5回, 4回, 3回利用は、空きがあります。週1回利用、週2回利用を希望する方は、通常のレッスンを受けるか、キャンセル待ちの間サタデースクールのご利用をお勧めいたします。

Cross Country Club クロスカントリークラブ: Our cross country club has started this month. If you are interested, let me know. The maximum number of students for cross country club is 8.
今月より、クロスカントリークラブが始まりました。 参加希望の方はお知らせください。クロスカントリークラブの定員数は8人です。
More Information:

Briefing Session
In February, we will host a briefing session on the online homework and the changes and updates to the study guides and study schedules.
Facilities Fee 施設費:
If you haven't paid the ¥1,000 facilities fee, please pay in cash before March 5th. We appreciate your understanding.
Textbooks and Booklets:
The new textbooks for the new school year have arrived. We are excited to start our new lessons. Strong English School has found a great rhythm with the Hand in Hand textbooks. Along with the textbooks comes a booklet created with the worksheets supplied by the publisher. We have created a lesson lay, homework sheets, online homework, and question homework to be done with parents. We have created study guides and booklets for all Hand in Hand books. Each book has a plan for 25 to 30 weeks from start to finish. (Sometimes it will be longer if we do special lessons.) If you have any questions, please let me know.
ストロングイングリッシュスクールでは、『Hand in Hand』テキストブックに加え、出版社から提供されたワークシートで作成された小冊子が付属されています。
すべての『Hand in Hand』ブック用の学習ガイドとブックレットを作成しました。

Two Year Anniversary Discount:
This year is Strong English School’s two-year anniversary! Thank you so much everyone for your continued support. We are so happy to be here, and we are working hard to make everyone happy. Because you make us all happy, we are adding an extra 2 percent to the 6 month and 1-year bulk payments.
6 Months now > 7%
12 Months now > 12%
This discount runs from now until March 15th. Let me know if you have any questions.
6か月 7%
12か月 12%

One Day Easter Camp:
Just like last year, we will be hosting our one-day Easter camp. Please click the link below to sign-up and see the photo below for more information.

I want to thank everyone again for all your support. I'm looking forward to such a great year and 2020! As always, I'm always here if anyone needs anything!
Cody Strong