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February Updates


After School Updates

Pickup Areas Expanding ピックアップエリア

Starting in April 2020, the after school will be expanding the pickup area of the school. Some of the schools being expanded are Kisarazu Daini, Hatazawa. Hotaruno, and a few other schools in Kisarazu and Kimitsu. If you have any questions, please let us know!

2020年4月から、アフタースクールのピックアップエリアが拡大されます。 追加エリア は、畑沢・木更津第二になります。ご質問がある場合は、お知らせください。

Intercom インターフォン

Please ring the intercom when you come to pick-up. We would like to ensure that pickup time is efficient and safe.


Yearly Excursions

Starting in 2020, we will be going on several school field trips during the vacation. Most field trips will be an extra fee by parents. We want to have the children feel relaxed and fun when studying English and when coming to the school.

April 3rd : Bowling

July 29th : Kamogawa Sea World

August 21st : To Be Decided

March 24th : Disney sea.


4月: ボーリング

7月: 鴨川シーワールド

8月: 行先未定

3月: ディズニーシー

If you have any questions about excursions, please let us know. Parents are allowed to participate in excursions as well.

New Playhouse

We have completed the new playhouses! After School and Saturday school students can play with adult supervision. Regular students can play as well if they have adult supervision.


One Day Easter Camp:

Just like last year, we will be hosting our one-day Easter camp. Please click the link below to sign-up and see the photo below for more information.



Saturday School

Our Saturday school expands in March to allow more students. However, we are almost full for the March classes. In March we will be starting the new study guide and English program. We will also be adding a second native teacher. If you are interested, please sign up soon. We have attached the new schedule for Saturday School starting in March below.

Saturday School Fee: ¥1500 per use.

サタデースクールは3月より受入生徒の増員が可能となります。ただし、3月のクラスはほ ぼ満員です。3月より、新しい学習ガイドと英語プログラムを開始します。 また、2人のネ イティブ教師によるレッスンとなります。ご質問等ある方は、お気軽にお問合せくださ い。3月から始まるサタデースクールの新しいスケジュールを添付しました。


2nd Anniversary Event


Two Year Anniversary Discount:

This year is Strong English School’s two-year anniversary! Thank you so much everyone for your continued support. We are so happy to be here, and we are working hard to make everyone happy. Because you make us all happy, we are adding an extra 2 percent to the 6 month and 1-year bulk payments.

6 Months now > 7%

12 Months now > 12%

This discount runs from now until March 15th. Let me know if you have any questions.


   6か月    7%

 12か月 12%


Referral Discountお友達紹介

Along with the 2 year anniversary discount, we have increased the referral discount from February until March 15th. If you refer someone to the school and they join, you will get ¥1000 off your next month's fee. If you have paid a lump sum, you will get ¥1000 cash back.


Today I was reading about a very inspirational person from my childhood. A person who respected and accepted people of all races, social status, and regardless of disabilities. He loved everyone. He tried to make the world a better place for everyone, but especially for children. Watching his shows as a child I really believed influenced me as a way to become a teacher. This world needs people who can inspire our children and make them feel like they belong and are loved. I think there is enough anger and hate in the world. What we need is more kindness. I will be starting to add programs and events later to help children and to make sure they know that they are important. I think it is important for everyone to encourage and let children know just how special they are. I would like to ask for help, and for ideas, from parents on things they would like to see me do at the school. I would appreciate any ideas or comments from anyone.



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